***** any information listed here is for informational purposes only and should not be taken as medical advice. Any information regarding the efficacy of certain plants is not FDA approved.
Rumex (bitter dock) - often reported as having positive effects for digestive issues. If you like bitter greens, this is great to just use in salads or slightly wilted in soups and stews. Also has very high nutritional value. More information (opens a pdf) https://www.phillyorchards.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/01/Sorrel-Info-Sheet.pdf
Solidago (goldenrods) - You won't ever think of this as a weed again! The flowers of the goldenrod plant can be made into tea, and is reported to have very strong anti-inflammatory properties. Being strongly anti-inflammatory, it is also implicated to be useful for many other issues https://chestnutherbs.com/medicinal-uses-and-benefits-of-goldenrod/ It is enjoyable even without the health benefits, the flavor is unique almost like licorice but not quite.