
  • Microgreens + eggs subscription is back!

    Enjoy weekly delivery of living microgreens and pasture-raised eggs every week! Delivery included! Sign up for a 4-week subscription and save nearl...
  • Reserve your bulk hot peppers!

    Looking to expand your spicy food business? We provide bulk amounts of super hot peppers to other small businesses under exclusive contracts. We ar...
  • Introducing our summer 2024 CSA!

    If you know what a CSA is, we hope you will be excited to join ours! If you're new to the CSA, it stands for community supported agriculture. Think...
  • 2024 is off and running!

    As we start preparing for the 2024 growing season, here's a few updates! For local produce, we won't be at markets until March, but you can order o...
  • Happy holidays! (Limited item availability)

    During the next few weeks, online ordering of fresh produce will be unavailable while we enjoy the holidays. You will notice these items as being o...
  • How to forage for wild winter greens in NC

      What makes a food something fit to be sold in the grocery store? It's usually along the lines of: ability for quick production, high yields, shel...
  • Looking for great holiday gifts?

    Start by looking at local farms! Buying directly from farmers is great for a lot of reasons, and it's a great way to shop for your holiday gifts! M...
  • Read if you're having trouble ordeing

    an important note about ordering - Once you get to checkout, you should see "Wake Forest Collaborative Pickup" as a the free shipping option. If y...
  • Welcome Wake Forest Local Food Collaborative members!

    We're so glad you're here! Take a look around, and let us know if you have any questions! We are committed to sustainable growing of year-round pro...